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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hiromi- Choux a la Creme

Hiromi, The Crazy

My all-time-favorite contemporary pianist. She plays the piano like a toy in a child's hand, she perfects every aspect of technical work, flawless in running notes, making the hardest part seems like effortless.

It's TOTAL craziness!!!!

She is someone I look up to. My aim. My goal.

Hiromi- Choux a la Creme:

This is one of my favorite piece from her, Choux a la Creme, from her latest album Place To Be. There are more pieces of her's that will take your breath away.

Try typing Hiromi Uehara - The Tom and Jerry Show on youtube and you may begin from there. Don't say I din't warn you about her craziness. XD


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